Announcing the No Big Deal Campaign!

My pronoun is a big deal. Using it shouldn’t be.



Hello TIMP readers! In case you aren’t aware, there has been a fairly large kerfuffle about gender-neutral pronouns in Canada (I say more about this here). I’ve been doing many things in response to this kerfuffle including talking to the media (listed in my CV if you’re interested) and working with a bunch of organizations and the award-winning graphic designer Cai Sepulis to launch an educational social media campaign. Here’s more from the campaign website:

The NBD Campaign is a positive and affirming response to the current conflict around gender-neutral pronouns like singular they/them and ze/hir (instead of she/her or he/him). Using someone’s preferred gender pronoun is an easy way to show your support for everyone’s right to live safely and well in their gender identity. It can make a world of difference when the correct pronoun is used, and when others begin to catch their own mistakes, say sorry, and just move on. Another way to support users is to indicate your own pronoun preference (whether you are transgender or no, as we all have a preference). Some people do this on their Twitter or Facebook profiles, and others do this in their email signatures. Of course, posting the NBD badge or infographics is another way to create a more supportive space around you for people who use gender-neutral pronouns. Especially now in this challenging climate, gender-neutral pronoun users need to feel and hear that their identities will be respected.

The infographics answer common arguments against using someone’s gender-neutral pronoun and will be released at the launch on December 1st (in Toronto). The badge has already been released on social media. All campaign materials are free and available for all to use in support of GNP users and usage. Make buttons, bags, coasters and whatever else you desire, then share it with us on Twitter or Instagram using #nbdcampaign.

Wish us luck – this thing is already flying around Facebook!




  1. Hey Lee! Big fan of your blog! Will it be OK to use a service like Zazzle to have stuff printed with the campaign materials? Do you have a preferred site? Wanted to check! Best, Jamie


    1. Hello Jamie! Absolutely, and thanks for your interest! Please make all the things, and just keep the URL on there so folks can find more information. I’d also love to see what you make with #nbdcampaign.

      > >


    1. Don’t forget French gendered adjectives and nouns for people, too!

      Respecting French speakers’ *pronouns* in French (and in English when speaking English) but continuing to misgender them (like calling an interesting transmale person “intéressante” instead of “intéressant,” or calling a female director from a hairier ethnic group “le directeur” instead of “la directrice”) everywhere else in the sentence isn’t much of an improvement.


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